South Delta Share Club

About Us

We are part of the Canadian Money Saver network of Share Clubs. The purpose or our club is to “Empower Individual Investors”. Basically we are like-minded individuals who get together to share information about personal financial matters. We are all subscribers to Canadian Money Saver ( We meet eight times a year through the fall, winter and spring.

We have been in existence since 2007 and currently have approximately 20 members. We may be open to new members from time to time.

Please apply for membership the Google group if you are interested in participating.

Discussion Board and Mailing List

Members exchange ideas via a Google group which acts as a mailing list and discussion board.

The group is found here. You need to create a Google account to access the group if do not already have one.

Files shared by members can be found here.

The email address for the group is


Members can subscribe to the calendar here.


Our regular meetings are at the Beach Grove Golf Club in Tsawwassen, BC.